• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: tavo701cortes
  • hace 3 años

Complete the following sentences using the correct intensifier

1.- ………………………. my parents are from California.

2.- to get downtown , you can take the city streets or you can take the freeway, you can go ……………. way.

3.- I ……………………….. enjoy her company.

4.- I was …………………………. disappointed with my results.

5.- You had better not go out now. It is ………………………….. cold.

6.- I could not believe what had happened. It was ……………… amazing.

7.-The people I work with are…………. unfriendly.

8.- Tom must go on a singing tour soon . He has …………. a good voice.

9.- John is a hard worker but he is ……….. slow.

10.- It is well -paid but it is ……….. a hard job.

11.- We ………….. understand what you are feeling.
12.- Italy was the ideal place for our romantic holidays. It was ………… wonderful.

13.- I have been told a strange ghost story. It is …………… incredible.

14.- What you are suggesting is ……………….. impossible. I am sorry.

15.- The teacher's explanation was…………………… interesting. This time I understood everything!

16.- She is ………… a good tennis player that she wins all her matches.

17.- I’m ……………. short to reach the shelf.

18.- Algebra is …………………. complicated for me to understand.

19.- The water is …………… cold for us to swim in.

20.- The package is …………….. heavy for you to lift by yourself.

21.- It was ………………… a great book that I read it three times.

22.- It was …………….. cold weather that there was ice on our car windscreen.

23.- The weather was …………. cold that we cancelled the trip.

24.- The book is …………….. good that I can’t put it down.

25.-The speech was …………….. long that some people left in the middle.


Respuesta dada por: gnoguera688

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