Respuesta dada por:
Verbo en presente para I – you – we – they / verbo en presente para he – she- it, verbo en pasado, verbo en participio y significado del verbo infinitivo en castellano.
Arise / arises arose arisen surgirAwake / awakes awoke awoken despertarseAm / are / is was / were been ser / estarBear / bears bore borne llevar / aguantarBeat / beats beat beaten golpearBecome / becomes became become convertirse enBegin / begins began begun comenzarBend / bends bent bent doblar / doblarseBet / bets bet bet apostarBid / bids bade bidden ofrecerBind / binds bound bound unir / unirseBlow / blows blew blown soplarBite / bites bit bitten morderBleed / bleed bled bled sangrarBreak / breaks broke broken romper / romperseBreed / breeds bred bred criarBring / Brings brought brought traer / llevar consigoBuild / builds built built construirFuente:
Respuesta dada por:
Ejemplos con verbos irregulares:
He has read the book that you gave me yesterday. (El ha leído el libro que me diste ayer)She has spoken with him several times. (Ella ha hablado con él varias veces)
We have lent money to you many times. (Nosotros te hemos prestado dinero muchas veces)
They have lost my book. (Ellos han perdido mi libro)He has forgotten what I said. (Él ha olvidado lo que dije)
I have been here before. (Yo he estado aquí antes)
We have forgiven what she did. (Nosotros hemos perdonado lo que ella hizo)
We have been in this city for five years. (Nosotros hemos estado en esta ciudad por cinco años)
You have slept for more than fourteen hours. (Tú has dormido por más de catorce horas)
My cousin has gone to Europe to study. (Mi primo se ha ido a Europa a estudiar)
She has told me what you said. (Ella me ha dicho lo que dijiste)
She has seen every show in the city. (Ella ha visto cada espectáculo en la ciudad)
I have seen that movie several times. (Yo he visto esa película varias veces)
He has given up the tournament. (Él ha abandonado el torneo)I have forgotten all my problems. (Yo he olvidado todos mis problemas)
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