• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Vk28
  • hace 3 años

Como aplico el verbo to be y los pronombres personales.

1. Often rea book (Hanna)
2. Is watching tv (Alan)
3. Is green (the picture)
4. Are on the wall ( picture)
5. Is running (the coast)
6. Are watching tv (my sister and I)
7. Are in the garden (the roses)


Respuesta dada por: wouterslatinia


  1. Hanna often reads books.
  2. Alan is going to watch tv.
  3. the picture is going to be green
  4. The pictures are going to be on the wall.
  5. The coast is going to run.
  6. My sister and i are going to watch tv.
  7. The roses are going to be in the garden.


No estoy 100% segura si esto es lo que has preguntado pero creo que es esto. Espero que ayude :)

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