• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sanuksom6
  • hace 3 años

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1 We___(give) a loan by the bank next week.
2 Lots of people___(make) redundant at my company right now.
3 I love your living room. It___(feel) warm and cozy.
4 I think this picture___(take) in Greece last year.
5 Olives___(grow) in the Mediterranean region for thousands of years.
6 Your group can practice in the music room because it___(not/use) by anyone right now.
7 When___(the pyramids/build)?
8 Big concerts___(hold) in the baseball stadium downtown. It has space for 40,000 people.
9 This book___(not / translate) into English yet.
10 German___(not / teach) at my school. We can only take French and Spanish.


Respuesta dada por: Lumatt


Complete las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo en paréntesis.

  1. We_are given_(give) a loan by the bank next week.
  2. Lots of people_are made_(make) redundant at my company right now.
  3. I love your living room. It_feels_(feel) warm and cozy.
  4. I think this picture_was taken_(take) in Greece last year.
  5. Olives_grew_(grow) in the Mediterranean region for thousands of years.
  6. Your group can practice in the music room because it_doesn't use_(not/use) by anyone right now.
  7. When_were the pyramids built_(the pyramids/build)?
  8. Big concerts_are held_(hold) in the baseball stadium downtown. It has space for 40,000 people.
  9. This book_doesn't translate_(not / translate) into English yet.
  10. German_doesn't teach_(not / teach) at my school. We can only take French and Spanish.

Buena suerte, saludos. :)

Respuesta dada por: marydeemosqueda80

Debemos realizar el siguiente ejercicio:

Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis/Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

Utilización de verbos en diferentes oraciones

1. We give a loan by the bank next week./Damos un préstamo por el banco la próxima semana

2. Lots of people made redundant at my company right now./Muchas personas han sido despedidas en mi empresa en este momento.

3. I love your living room. It feels warm and cozy./ Me encanta tu sala de estar. Se siente cálido y acogedor.

4. I think this picture take in Greece last year./Creo que esta foto fue tomada en Grecia el año pasado.

5. Olives grow in the Mediterranean region for thousands of years./Las aceitunas crecen en la región mediterránea desde hace miles de años.

6. Your group can practice in the music room because it is not used by anyone right now./Su grupo puede practicar en la sala de música porque nadie la usa en este momento.

7. When built the pyramids?/Cuando construyeron las pirámides?

8. Big concerts hold in the baseball stadium downtown. It has space for 40,000 people./Grandes conciertos tienen lugar en el estadio de béisbol del centro. Tiene espacio para 40.000 personas.

9. This book is not  translate into English yet./ Este libro aún no está traducido al inglés.

10. German is not  teach at my school. We can only take French and Spanish./El alemán no se enseña en mi escuela. Solo podemos tomar francés y español.

Obtén más información sobre El uso de Verbos en Inglés en Brainly: https://brainly.lat/tarea/33227470


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