• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rosalya1818
  • hace 9 años

porfavor ayudame,
cuento corto en ingles tambien traducido a español (que sea bueno y corto)

MATEMATICO11111: HABIA UNA VEZ---te people han de tu cu
rosalya1818: :[ jaja que gracioso


Respuesta dada por: andreajurado62

In the world of the animals, there was a very arrogant hare because she said to everyone she was the fastest. That’s why she was always laughing at the slow turtle.

-Look at the turtle! Hey turtle, don’t run so much that you’re going to get tired of going so fast!- The hare used to say laughing at the turtle.

One day, they were talking and it occurred to the turtle to make a strange bet with the hare.

-I’m sure I can win you a race- she said.

- To me?- asked the hare astonished.

-Yes, to you. Let’s put our bet on that stone and let’s see who wins the race.

The hare, very amused, accepted. All the animals met to watch the race. The road and the finishing line were marked. Once it was ready, the race started among big applauses.

Relying on her speed, the hare left the turtle go and she remained lazing about. She had time enough to win such a slow creature!

Then she start running, she run fast as the wind while the turtle went slow but without stopping. At once she went ahead. She stopped next to the road and she sat to rest.

When the turtle passed by her side, the hare made fun of her once more. She left her advantage and set out her quick walk. She did the same several times but, in spite of her mocks, the turtle kept her way until she arrived to the finishing line. When the hare woke up, she ran with all her might but it was too late, the turtle had won the race.

That day was very sad for the hare and she learnt a lesson she would never forget: you must never mock of the others.


rosalya1818: GRACIAS
Respuesta dada por: PukiePikachu
Hasta que la muerte nos separe

Ezra era un joven que vivía anticipándose a las pérdidas. Se había pasado la mitad de su infancia deseando que ese período no terminara, y el resto de su vida, añorando esos instantes de belleza y libertad. Su hermano Amos era absolutamente diferente, lo único que le importaba era el presente y vivía cada instante como si fuera el último.

Entre Amos y Ezra había una extrema conexión; tal es así que cuando eran pequeños solían incluso enfermar juntos. El primero en indisponerse siempre era Ezra y a los pocos días su hermano aparecía a con los exactos síntomas y era diagnosticado y tratado de la misma manera que él. Amos culpaba a Ezra por enfermarse y pasarle su mal; sin embargo, no había días que disfrutara más que aquéllos que transcurría encerrado junto a su hermano.

El tiempo pasó y las circunstancias provocaron que entre los hermanos se abriera un abismo. La muerte de los padres fue un detonante importante de aquella separación ya que a Ezra le costó mucho aceptarla y cada vez que se veían se echaba a llorar desconsoladamente como cuando era niño. Amos decidió que no podía seguir viéndolo porque tarde o temprano conseguiría que también él cayera en ese pozo oscuro del que Ezra no mostraba indicios de querer salir. Además, Amos pensó que si dejaba de ver a su hermano evitaría morir de joven, cosa a la que le tenía muchísimo miedo. Estaba convencido de que por la forma de ser de Ezra pronto enfermaría de algo grave y si él lo sabía, posiblemente desarrollaría la misma dolencia. Y si de algo estaba seguro era de no querer morir.

Amos no estaba tan equivocado; Ezra enfermó gravemente a los treinta años y debió someterse a dos largos años de tratamiento y sufrimiento, en la más absoluta soledad. Al regresar a su casa, el mismo día en el que le habían dado el alta, encontró un mensaje en el contestador de su teléfono: su hermano, Amos acababa de fallecer de la misma enfermedad que él había vencido.

Until death do us part


Ezra was a young man who lived in anticipation of losses. He had spent half of his childhood hoping that this period would not end, and the rest of his life, longing for those moments of beauty and freedom. His brother Amos was quite different, the only thing that mattered was the present and lived every moment as if it were the last.

Between Amos and Ezra we had an extreme connection; so much so that when they were little used even sick together. The first indisponerse was always Ezra and a few days later his brother appeared at the exact symptoms and was diagnosed and treated in the same way as him. Ezra Amos blamed for sick and pass their evil; however, there were days that enjoyed more than those who wore locked up with his brother.

Time passed and circumstances between the brothers caused an abyss opening. The death of the parents was an important trigger of that separation because Ezra had a hard time accepting it and every time they met was put to mourn inconsolably as when he was a child. Amos decided he could no longer see him because sooner or later he would get also fall into that dark pit from which Ezra showed no signs of wanting to leave. In addition, Amos thought that if he stopped seeing his brother avoid dying young, thing that he was extremely scared. He was convinced that the way to be of Ezra soon get sick of something serious and if he knew, possibly develop the same ailment. And if he was sure he was not wanting to die of something.

Amos was not so wrong; Ezra seriously ill at thirty and had to undergo two years of treatment and suffering, in absolute solitude. Upon returning home, the same day that had been discharged, he found a message on the answering his phone: his brother, Amos had just died of the same disease he had won.

PukiePikachu: Esta es la página: http://www.cuentosbreves.org/
rosalya1818: wow GRACIAS demasiado tarde pero gracias
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