• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: saidpepel16
  • hace 3 años

Necesito 12reglas de una biblioteca en ingles


Respuesta dada por: anddreavega
It’s not allowed to:

- To smoke.

- Access the library with the mobile phone connected.

- Introduce food or drink (except water).

- Yelling, talking in an excessively loud voice or making noise that disrupts the tranquility necessary for reading.

- Move furniture around (chairs, tables ...).

- Photocopy books or magazines in their entirety.

- Remove works from the Library without previously going through the loan service.

- Abuse any movable or immovable property of the library.

In addition, what must keep in mind:

- Respect the regulations of each service.

- Access to the shelves is free and is open to anyone who wishes to consult works in the Library itself or use the loan service.

- Respect the placement of the materials on the shelves, the consulted works may be left in the carts enabled for this purpose.

- At all times, have a respectful attitude towards the Library staff, towards the rest of the users and towards the fund and the facilities.
Respuesta dada por: kiaratejada03


Holaaa espero te ayudee

Dame coronita pliss


1. No Smoking.

2. Do not introduce or consume food or drink (EXCEPT bottled WATER).

3. Do not use mobile phones (they must be disconnected before entering the library)

4. Do not move or move chairs, tables or other pieces of furniture from their place.

5. Do not make noise or speak in a tone of voice that annoys other users

6. Do not run

7. Return borrowed materials

8. Keep books tidy

9. Leave things in their place

10. Take care of the books

11. Read silently so as not to inconvenience others

12. Leave the space clean

Espero te ayudee

Dame coronita

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