• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dianelis930125
  • hace 3 años

Holissssss necesito análisis sintáctico de cada una de estas oraciones pero en inglés todo me puedes ayudar
Este es el texto
It was a cold, rainy Winter night. The city was quiet. Marie was lying on her bed reading a book, as she usually did before sleeping. Suddenly, she heard a noise. “Was it a baby crying or a cat?”. It seemed to be coming from the street. As far as she remembered, the neighbors did not like cats. She immediately stood up, put on her coat and went outside.
Luckily, all the street lights were on. She headed towards the place where the cry was coming from. After she had walked for some time, she saw a wrapped package. It was moving like a baby. She hurried to take it. As she approached, she realized it was a kitten. Someone had tied it into a box and abandoned it in cold weather.
Marie felt sorry for the poor animal. She took the kitten home, fed him and put him to sleep. She had never though of having a cat. But after a second thought she decided to keep it at home.


Respuesta dada por: Sasita0215


nose que es eso pero ok

Explicación: espero tengas suerte

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