• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: biancanarellal65
  • hace 3 años

Por favor necesito un cuadro del Verbo ''Have Got'' que tenga afirmativo, negativo, interrogativo y si pueden con la traducción al español.


Respuesta dada por: D13G01714



I have got I've got

You have got You've

He has got He's got

She has got She's got

It has got It's got

We have got We've got

You have got You've got

They have got They've got


I have got a map. Tengo un mapa.

You've got a car. Tienes un coche.

He has got a big house. Tiene una casa grande.

She's got a good friend. Tiene un buen amigo.

It has got a tail. Tiene una cola.

We have got a flat. Tenemos un piso.

You have got a book. Tenéis un libro.

They've got some money. Tienen dinero.



Sujeto+ have/has + not + got + ...

El auxiliar se conjugará según la persona que acompañe.

I have not got I haven't got

You have not got You haven't got

He has not got He hasn't got

She has not got She hasn't got

It has not got It hasn't got

We have not got We haven't got

You have not got You haven't got

They have not got They haven't got



I haven't got any money. No tengo dinero.

You haven't got any brothers. No tienes hermanos.

He hasn't got a pen. No tiene un bolígrafo.

She hasn't got any friends. No tiene amigos.

It hasn't got four legs. No tiene cuatro patas.

We haven't got a big room. No tenemos una habitación grande.

You haven't got a laptop. No tenéis un portátil.

They haven't got a ticket. No tienen una entrada.




Have/Has + Sujeto + got + ... ?


Have/Has + sujeto + not + got + ... ?

Haven't/ Hasn't + sujeto + got +... ?

Have I got...? Have I not got...? Haven't I got...?

Have you got...? Have you not got...? Haven't you got...?

Has he got...? Has he not got...? Hasn't he got...?

Has she got...? Has she not got...? Hasn't she got...?

Has it got...? Has it not got...? Hasn't it got...?

Have we got...? Have we not got...? Haven't we got...?

Have you got...? Have you not got...? Haven't you got...?

Have they got...? Have they not got...? Haven't they got...?


Have I got a new job? ¿Tengo un nuevo trabajo?

Have you got a lighter? ¿Tienes un mechero?

Has he got a girlfriend? ¿Tiene novia?

Has she got a child? ¿Tiene un hijo?

Has it got a train station? ¿Tiene una estación de tren?

Have we got a headache? ¿Tuvimos un dolor de cabeza?

Have you got flowers? ¿Tenéis flores?

Have they got a computer? ¿Tienen un ordenador?


espero que te sirva

biancanarellal65: gracias
D13G01714: me das corona please?
D13G01714: de nada
D13G01714: lo modifique porque vi que no tenia interrogativo :D
biancanarellal65: gracias
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