• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: EmmanuelHoyosA
  • hace 3 años

Completa con el verbo to be en presente (Am, Are, Is/ Aren’t, Isn’t)
1. ___that my pen? No, ______ your pen.
2. ___ those my folders? No_______ your folders.
3. ___ we in the playground? Yes, _______ in the playground.
4. ___ Peter German? No_______ German.
5. ___ Jenny and Sally in their classroom? ________ in their classroom.
6. ___ Mrs Pearson late? No, ________ late.
7. ___ I in the right classroom? Yes, ________ in the right classroom.
8. ___ the children nice? Yes, ________ nice.
9. ___ Mrs Pearson the maths teacher? No, _______ the maths teacher.
10. Is your brother nice? No, _______ nice.


Respuesta dada por: PhobosX


Vamos a ver:


1. Is /isn't

2. Are / Aren't

3.Are / Are

4. Is / Isn't

5. Are / Are

6. Is / Isn't

7. Am / You're

8. Are / They're

9. Is / She's

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