• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: milenamelisa99otbfub
  • hace 3 años

E. Complete the sentences using say, said, tell, or told.
Bill: I want to visit an African village. You once (1)
me Anthony lived in an African village.
Dan: Yes, he (2)
it was a very old village, far from any towns.
Bill: Really?
Dan: Yes, he (3)
He it is hard to get to.
The roads are not very good.
Pair and Share
Talk to your partner about something
your teacher said
Bill: How long was Anthony there?
Dan: He spent a year there. He (4)
it was the best year of his life. I'll
him you would like to visit
that village
Bill: Great. Maybe he can (6)
me how
to get there and when to go.
He said that
She told me that ...
Dan: I'll be sure to (7)


Respuesta dada por: asesoriaestadisticap


1 told

2 said

3 says

4 said

5 tell


7 tell


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