2. Are the students wearing their school uniform?
(short answer )
(long answer)
✓ Question:
Are the students wearing their school uniform?
¿Los estudiantes están vistiendo su uniforme escolar?
✓ Positiva:
Short answer (Positiva): Yes, they are (Si ellos lo están)
Long answer (Positiva) Yes, they are wearing their school uniform (Si, ellos están vistiendo su uniforme escolar)
✓ Negativa:
Short answer (Negativa): No, they are not (No, ellos no lo están)
Long answer (Negativa) No, they are not wearing their school uniform (No, Ellos no están vistiendo su uniforme escolar)
Short answer (afirmativa) = Yes, they are.
Short answer (negativa) = No, they are not.
Long answer (afirmativa) = Yes, they are wearing their school uniform.
Longn answer (negativa) = No, they are not wearing their school uniform.
Para responder a este tipo de preguntas seguimos el siguiente orden o "formula":
Para short answers: No/Yes, they/we/you/it/he/she are/is.
Para long answers: No/Yes, they/we/you/it/he/she are/is + Complement
Usualmente el Complement es lo que sigue después del sujeto de nuestra pregunta, que en este caso seria Students. Por lo que nos quedaría de esta forma:
Are the Students wearing their school uniform?
Short answer (affirmative) = Yes, they are.
Short answer (negative) = No, they are not.
Long answer (affirmative) = Yes, they are wearing their school uniform.
Longn answer (negative) = No, they are not wearing their school uniform.