Mike: hey Luke want to play some basketball?
Luke: Sorry mike, I don’t really like sports, I prefer video games and watch TV.
Mike: Luke you should do sports! They are very fun, there is a huge variety of options for you to chose.
Luke: yeah, but the thing is that I don’t know how to play any sport.
Mike: I’ll teach you the sport that you want! Chose one.
Luke: mmm, I like swimming
Mike: nice choice! Starting with swimming is a very good idea, because it would make you stronger to play or do any other sport that you want.
Two-person dialogue in English about sports:
Luis: hello how are you ?, you saw that Real Madrid played on Wednesday.
Stefani: Very well Luis, if I could read something in the news about that, I didn't pay much attention because football for me is not a favorite sport.
Luis: how good that you are well, tell me then what is your favorite sport?
Stefani: Well, not everyone catches my attention, however I like basketball, volleyball, gymnastics and among others, and you?
Luis: my favorite is football, but I also like basketball and ping pong.
Stefani: I'm glad Luis, don't you practice any?
Luis: not at the moment, I just study, maybe then go to practice.
Stefani: excellent, see you later.
Luis: take care of yourself.
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