• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lualopez20315646
  • hace 3 años

oraciones con presente simple , presente perfecto y pasado simple


Respuesta dada por: anahiquintunia

presente simple

  • She sometimes goes to work by bus.
  • He always walks his dog in the morning.
  • They never drink coffee.
  • We usually go to the cinema on Fridays.

presente perfecto

  • She has cleaned her kitchen. → “Ella ha limpiado su cocina.
  • They haven't studied for the exam”. → Ellos no han estudiado para el examen.
  • I haven't attached the document yet”. → No he adjuntado el documento todavía.

pasado simple

  • - “She was confident” (Ella era segura de sí misma).
  • -“We were in Philadelphia yesterday” (Nosotros estábamos en Philadelphia ayer).
  • -“I was a doctor” (Yo era doctor).
  • -“I had a meeting five minutes ago” (Tuve una reunión hace cinco minutos).

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