• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ayudaesurgenteeee
  • hace 3 años

1-Present Simple & Present Continuous – Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets .
My sister Lisa _____________ (love) sport. She often _______________ (play) basketball and tennis with her friends, and she also _____________ (go) swimming four times a week. In fact, she _____________ (swim) at the moment – she ______________ (train) for a competition next month, so she needs to practice. We get on well, but we´re very different – I _____________ (not like) sport at all. I prefer computers and technology. I sometimes ____________ (watch) football matches on TV though. Right now, I ____________ (wait) for Lisa to come home and play computer games with me!

lauritamayta1990: yo tengo 12
aljandritagalvis0209: jajajajja yo tengo 11
lauritamayta1990: no seas mentiroso
lauritamayta1990: di la verdad
lauritamayta1990: c a b r o n
aljandritagalvis0209: jajajajja si tengo 11 solo que siempre digo más edad de la que tengo
lauritamayta1990: si hubiera dicho 16 años que abras dicho
aljandritagalvis0209: para luego saber si la otra persona es mayor o menor y después les digo mi edad de verdad
aljandritagalvis0209: pues simplemente le digo mi edad de verdad
lauritamayta1990: ok


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


My sister Lisa loves (love) sport. She often plays (play) basketball and tennis with her friends, and she also goes (go) swimming four times a week. In fact, she is swimming (swim) at the moment – she is training (train) for a competition next month, so she needs to practice. We get on well, but we´re very different – I don't like (not like) sport at all. I prefer computers and technology. I sometimes watch (watch) football matches on TV though. Right now, I am waiting (wait) for Lisa to come home and play computer games with me!


El presente Simple Afirmativo se construye con el Verbo principal en presente pero debemos tener en cuenta si el Sujeto es 3era persona He - She - It o un sustantivo en Singular al Verbo debemos agregarle S o ES.

Si la oración es Negativa se construyen las oraciones con Don't o Doesn't + Verbo en su forma Base.

El auxiliar Don't se complementa con I - You - we - They o sustantivos plurales.

El auxiliar Doesn't se complementa con He - She - It o sustantivos en Singular.

También debemos tomar en cuenta el tiempo, expresiones de tiempo de frecuencia que forman parte de la estructura de las oraciones de Presente Simple: Often - Four times a week - Sometimes.

El presente Continuo . Se construye con Verbo to Be + Verbo con Ing. Este tiempo lo usamos para indicar acciones que están sucediendo al momento y también lo usamos para dar idea de futuro inmediato.

Algunas expresiones de Tiempo Presente Continuo son: At the moment - next month - Right now.

tomas200874: hello My Game si Eduard y AM y Colombia i love
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