2. Replace the noun by the right personal
pronoun. / Reemplazar el sustantivo por el
pronombre personal que corresponda.
Look at that flower.
is a rose.
b. This is Carlos.
is my grandfather
is my mother.
d. My cousins and I are the same age.
are 13.
e. Teacher, can
go to the toilet,
f. Turtles are reptiles.
live several
look tired. Go to sleep.
a. Look at that flower. It is a rose.
b. This is Carlos. He is my grandfather. She is my mother.
d. My cousins and I are the same age. We are 13.
e. Teacher, can I go to the toilet, please?
f. Turtles are reptiles. They live several years.
You look tired. Go to sleep.
a. Está hablando de una flor. Por eso usé it para referirme a la flor (flower).
b. Usé he porque se refiere a un hombre (my grandfather). Usé she porque se refiere a una mujer (my mother).
d. Usé we porque se refiere a los primos (cousins) y a si mismo (I). Entonces we (Nosotros).
e. Usé I (yo) porque es una pregunta típica en la que preguntas si puedes ir al baño.
f. Usé they porque se refiere a las tortugas y reptiles (ellos). En la siguiente, usé you (tú) porque dice pareces cansado/a (tú). Ve a dormir.