• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: juudiitthhh
  • hace 3 años

1 Choose the correct words.
Missing: Giant snake!

While a worker at Google’s New York office looked after / was looking after an enormous python, he took / was taking it to work. He left / was leaving the snake near his desk while he worked / was working in a different part of the building. The python escaped / was escaping while the man didn’t watch / wasn’t watching it. Workers at Google then received / were receiving a strange email: a giant snake moved / was moving around the offices. A lot of people thought it was a joke because of the date – it was April Fool’s Day. The cleaners found / were finding the python more than 24 hours later while they cleaned / were cleaning the offices. Fortunately, when they found / were finding it, the snake slept / was sleeping.

2 Write complete sentences. Use the past simple and the past continuous.
1 I / carry / my plastic snake / when / my brother / see / it.

2 She / open / the door / when / the water / fall / on her head.

3 When / the Emperor / go out / into the street / he / not wear / many clothes.

4 He / fall / while / he / carry / the plates.

3 Answer the questions with the past continuous or past simple.
1 What were you doing when the teacher arrived?

2 What time did you eat your dinner last night?

3 What were your parents doing when you finished school yesterday?

4 What did you watch on television yesterday?
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then rewrite the sentences using while.
1 When the teacher arrived, they _______________ (throw) paper.

2 I was following my friend when I _______________ (lose) him.

3 He _______________ (try) to reach the biscuits when he fell.

4 My mum was holding the baby when he _______________ (smile) for the first time.

5 When I saw Rachel, she _______________ (pull) her suitcase.

5 Match the beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f.
1 While I was having breakfast
2 Laura was crossing the road
3 When we got home
4 When I saw my friends
5 While James was climbing a tree
6 I dropped my keys
they were buying popcorn.
my phone rang.
while I was jumping over the wall.
he fell and broke his arm.
the dog was eating our lunch.
When she found €50.

6 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
I was doing (do) my homework when my mum arrived (arrive) home.
1 My sister _______________ (carry) the shopping when she _______________ (drop) the eggs.
2 I _______________ (stand) outside the cinema when I _______________ (see) Brad Pitt.
3 When my teacher _______________ (walk) into the classroom we _______________ (listen) to music.
4 My friends _______________ (play) football when a big dog _______________ (take) their ball.
5 We _______________ (look) for wood to build a fire when we _______________ (discover) a secret cave.
6 When I _______________ (get) the text message I _______________ (sit) in my English class.

7 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 6 with While.
While I was doing my homework, my mum arrived home.
1 While ______________________________________________________________________
2 While ______________________________________________________________________
3 While ______________________________________________________________________
4 While ______________________________________________________________________
5 While ______________________________________________________________________
6 While ______________________________________________________________________


Respuesta dada por: Esmegamer12


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