• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: feli118
  • hace 9 años

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Mi mascota
El nombre de mi mascota es Hachi .Es un perro macho. Cuando llego de la escuela salta y salta sin parar, cuando le llevamos la comida corre alrededor de su casita ý cuando sabe que es la hora de comer se sienta junto a la puerta. Es grande y delgado. Su color es negro y tiene el pelo corto, su raza es doberman. Sus ojos son cafés y chicos. Vive en una casita de madera en mi casa. Hace muchos trucos como le tiras una pelota y va corriendo a agarrarla. Tiene un año y medio. Cuando llueve para cuidarlo lo dejamos en su casa .Es domestico y no tiene crías .Lo bañamos cada quince días. Para mí es un perro al cual le he tomado mucho cariño a pesar las experiencias que tenido. En mi infancia tuve un perro de raza pitbull que se llama PLUTO, con el cual me encariñe mucho pero un día por desgracia me lo robaron jamás lo volví a ver, así como jamás volví a tener una mascota porque me daba miedo volver a encariñarme, hasta la fecha que he tenido a mi perro y creo que estoy muy encariñado con Hachi y no me gustaría volver a tener que revivir el pasado.


Respuesta dada por: ckarenbish
My pet
The name of my pet is a male dog .It Hachi. When I came home from school skips and jumps without stopping, when we take the food runs around your house and when you know it's lunchtime sits by the door. It is large and thin. Its color is black and has short hair, race is doberman. His eyes are brown and small. He lives in a small wooden house in my house. many tricks as you throw a ball and makes runs to grab her. It has a year and a half. When it rains we leave to care for him in his house and domestic .It has no offspring .What bathe every fortnight. For me it is a dog which I have grown very fond despite the experiences I had. In my childhood I had a dog pitbull breed called PLUTO, with whom I grow fonder much but one day unfortunately I was I never stole what I saw, and I never again had a pet because I was afraid to become attached again, so far I've had my dog ​​and I think I'm very fond of Hachi and I would not return to have to relive the past
Respuesta dada por: Sarita1521
The name of my pet is hachi is a when male dog came home from school skips and jumps without stopping when we take the food runs around his house yWhen know it's lunchtime sits by the door is large and thin his color is black and the hair is short race is doberman his eyes are brown and boys live in a small wooden house in my home for many tricks as you throw a ball and runs to grab Groce one and a half when it rains pqra take care of it leave at home is domestic and has bsñamos Bring up what every fortnight for me is a dog which he took great affection despite the experience I had in my childhood I had a pitbull dog named pluto
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