• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gi419928
  • hace 3 años

me pueden ayudar porfa ​



Respuesta dada por: dianajhoselline


mayor mente no se ingles pero por k no buscas en él traductor de google

Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


A) I am  studing now

N: I am not  studing now

I: Am I  studing now?

B) You are drinking orange juice

N: You are not drinking orance juice

I: Are you drinking orance juice?

C) We are working very hard

N: We are not working very hard

I: Are you working very hard?

D) They are playing the game now

N: They are not playing the game now

I: Are they playing the game now?

E) She is dancing very well

N: She is not dancing very well

I: Is she dancing very well?


En presente continuo la estructura es:

Subject + Verb to be + Verb "ing" + Complement

Los verbos siempre van a llevar "ing"

Y en forma de pregunta el verbo en negativo lleva "not".

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