• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marmol1102
  • hace 3 años

4.rewrite the sentences with the adverbs of frequency
1. karol rIide a bycicle . ( NEVER ) Karol never ride a bycicle
2. Richard wash his clothe ( OFTEN )
3. She has breakfast at 6 : 00 o’clock. (ALWAYS )
4. My dad take a shower before breakfast ( USUALLY )
5. Mark has lunch at office. ( SOMETIMES )

plisss help meeee, doy coronaaaaa



Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1. Karol never rides a bycicle.

2. Richard often washes his clothes.

3. She always has breakfast at 6:00 o'clock.

4. My dad usually takes a shower before breakfast.

5. Mark sometimes has lunch at office.


En las oraciones de presente simple ( excepto con verbo to be) los Adverbios de Frecuencia se colocan después del Sujeto. Y el Verbo con Sujeto de 3era persona He - el - She - ella - It cuando nos referimos a un animal, se le agrega S o ES.

marmol1102: te amooooo graciasss
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