• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: fmill0311
  • hace 3 años

completa las oraciones con el verbo correcto
1. He__works__in the library.(work/works)
2. I___football on saturdays.(play/plays)
3. Mr.Taylor__stamps.(collect/collects)
4. We___latters to our penfriends.(write/writes)
5. She___in holland.(live/lives)
6. The disco___at 10 o'clok.(close/closes)
7. He___football match on Tv on sundays.(watch/watches)
8. They___home at half past six.(go/goes)
9. Michael___his room at the weekends.(tidy/tidies)
10. We___our grand parents in every Bayram.(visit/visist)
Ayuden Xfa:(


Respuesta dada por: Noice



1 works

2 play

3 collects

4 write

5 lives

6 closes

7 watches

8 go

9 tidies

10 visit

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