• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cristoignaciomunoz
  • hace 3 años

Habilidades: conocer, aplicar.
Puntaje ideal: 30 pts. Puntaje de aprobación 60%: 18 pls Puntaje obtendo
MY City
1. Match the number in the paragraph with the image (16 pts.)
My name is Albert I live in a town in England. It snt very big, but there is everything we neod.
live near a supermarket (1). At the night side is the bakery (2) and at the left is a butcher (3)
Next to the butcher is a grocery store (4)
At the end of the street is a clothes shop (5), a bookstore, (6) where I buy my comics and a pet
shop. (7) My sister always goes there with our dog Baby
On Saturday there is an open market (8) on the main square Mum, my sister and I go there to
buy fruits and vegetables. After that we go to the fish shop (9) to buy fish and seafood. Not far
away is a shop that sells sporting goods (10). I love this shop because I can find the t-shirts of
the soccer teams. If mum needs some pills, we go to the pharmacy (11) before we go to the
direr (12) to meet dad
While we shop, dad buys a newspaper at the newsagent (13) in order to have something to do
while he is waiting for us
in the afternoon we go to the department store (14) We pass the shoe shop (15) Of course
Mum and my sister stop to look at the shoes in the window. Eventually we go to the past
shop (16) to buy our dessert for Sunday​


Respuesta dada por: gusanitoc07


pvp ve siesque juegas hd

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