• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: samita123456789
  • hace 9 años

q descubrimiento hizo helen Murray free y en q año


Respuesta dada por: jorge9620
multistix, una hora de análisis de orina que tenía 10 pruebas clínicas diferentes en una sola hora. esto fue en 1981
espero te sirva...

samita123456789: gracias
Respuesta dada por: judith0102

Helen Murray Free, together with her husband Alfred Free, refined Clinitest, a tablet made to measure glucose levels in urine of diabetic patients, and developed Acetest, another test tablet for diabetes.

Later, she worked with her husband to move the tests from tablets to strips, presentic Clinistix in 1956. It was the first test strip to control urine glucose and the first immersion and reading test strips to use in diagnostic tests. Her work revolutionized the field of urine analysis and resulted in many self-testing systems in people with diabetes. Therefore, several other tests we developed and added to the market, including Uristix, Ketostix, Dextrostox, Labstix. These products are still used.

By 1975, she had obtained seven patents for her improvements in medical and clinical tests of urine analysis.

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