• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: camilarivero1509
  • hace 4 años

PRESENT SIMPLE – affirmative Study the following sentences
I have breakfast at home I read a magazine
You go to school
You watch TV
He brushes his teeth
She gets up at 7 o ́clock
It plays with a ball
We stay at home
We brush our teeth
They get up at 6 o ́clock
They write letters
I / You / We / They don ́t take an s (En oraciones afirmativas, el verbo que acompaña a estos pronombres no lleva s)
REMEMBER that we write he / she / it –s. DON ́T FORGET the S IN THE VERB When the infinitive verb ends in e, we add an s, only for he, she, it.
He / She / It dances, closes, drives, likes, lives
When the infinitive verb ends in ch, sh, x, ss, we add es
He / She / It teaches, watches, washes, brushes, relaxes, misses He / She / It goes

He / She / It does He / She / It has
He / She / It studies He / She / It stays


Respuesta dada por: jc097886


it's a lot I can help you if you give me a better answer

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