• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kariannysarzolay
  • hace 3 años

Hola alguien me puede traducir esto en ingles por favor es urgente :
Yo estuve mucho tiempo viviendo en San Félix nueve años exacto, toda mi familia es de allá, ellos iban para mi casa cada vez que podían y nosotros para la de ellos compartían y jugában commigo. Me gustaba mucho San Félix porque la verdad quedaba todo serca, la escuela, el liceo, panadería, abasto, el cerro del Gallo y el centro, donde podía ir con mi mamá y mi papá los sábados o domingos a comer pizza, algodones de azúcar y jugar con en columpios con otros niños que me iban para allá. Me acuerdo de eso y me da tristeza. No es que aquí no vaya tan mal sino es que estraño a mi familia.

lopezgaldvaleria: I spent a long time living in San Félix for exactly nine years, my whole family is from there, they went to my house whenever they could and we shared and played with me for theirs.
lopezgaldvaleria: I really liked San Félix because the truth was that it was all close, the school, the high school, the bakery, the grocery store, the Cerro del Gallo and the center, where I could go with my mom and dad on Saturdays or Sundays to eat pizza, cotton candy and play with on swings with other children who were going there. I remember that and it makes me sad. It's not that it's not so bad here, it's that I miss my family.
lopezgaldvaleria: dnd friend
kariannysarzolay: Gracias gracias gracias gracias


Respuesta dada por: kenedisinisterra4

Respuesta: I spent a long time living in San Félix for exactly nine years, my whole family is from there, they went to my house whenever they could and we shared and played with me for theirs. I really liked San Félix because the truth was that it was all near, the school, the high school, the bakery, the grocery store, the Cerro del Gallo and the center, where I could go with my mom and dad on Saturdays or Sundays to eat pizza, cotton candy and play with on swings with other children who were going there. I remember that and it makes me sad. It is not that here it is not so bad but it is that I miss my family.


kariannysarzolay: Gracias en serio lo necesitaba
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