• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: aguirreluz723
  • hace 3 años

1 Escribe bien las frases.
Ifyougotoaparty, you'lldance.
you 90
party, you'll dance
1 lfitrains, we'llplaycomputergames.
2 Iflgototheparty.I'llinvite Carlos.
3 Ifwemeet we'llgotoacafé.
4 Ifyoubuymeacomputer, I'lldomyhomework.
5 Iftheyinvitehim, he'llgototheconcert.​


Respuesta dada por: elindustriamente

Respuesta: if you go to a party , you"ll dance

if it rains , we"ll play computer games

if I go to the party,I,"ll invite carlos

if we meet we"ll go to a cafe

if you buy me  a computer,I ll do my homework

If they invite him, he"ll go to the concert

if they invite him. he"ll go to the concert


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