• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: alejandragomezr125
  • hace 4 años

oraciones en presente simple afirmativa negativa y interrogativa ​


Respuesta dada por: EeveecuteShiny13


1- I talk with her.

2- She eats pizza.

3- He goes to the park.

4- They learn the lesson

5- We do the homework.

6- We eat in a restaurant.

7- She talks about the movie.

8- She works in a hospital

9- He eats vegetables.

Negativa: (Don't o Doesn't)

1- I don't talk with her.

2- She doesn't eat pizza.

3- He doesn't go to the park.

4- The don't learn the lesson

Asi le vas haciendo, agregando Don't o Doesn't a la frase.

(Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to do) + mas auxiliar negativo (not)+ verbo+ complemento.


1- Do i talk with her?

2- Does she eat pizza?

3- Does he go to the park?

4- Do they learn the lesson?

(Verbo auxiliar (to do)+ sujeto+ verbo principal+ complemento+?)


Espero que te sirva :3

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