Inglés inglés inglés inglés inglés, ayuda por fa

Uno, We do always our homework in the evenings or we always do our homework in the evenings
Dos. I never play football after school
Tres. They've got often a test on friday mornings.
Cuatro. You forget your homework sometimes
Cinco. Luis goes to school always by bus
Seis. Isabel dosen't usually have luch in the canteen
Siete. Tim is never late for the Chess club
Ocho. The girls aren't in town often on saturdays
We do always our homework in the evenings or we always do our homework in the evenings
Seria Nosotros siempre hacemos nuestras tareas en el anochecer.
I never play football after school
Yo nunca juego futbol después de la escuela
They've got a test often on friday mornings.
Ellos tienen últimamente pruebas las mañanas de los viernes.
y así.
porque dices tantas veces en ingles
Uno, We do always our homework in the evenings or we always do our homework in the evenings
Dos. I never play football after school
Tres. They've got often a test on friday mornings.
Cuatro. You forget your homework sometimes
Cinco. Luis goes to school always by bus
Seis. Isabel dosen't usually have luch in the canteen
Siete. Tim is never late for the Chess club
Ocho. The girls aren't in town often on saturdays
We do always our homework in the evenings or we always do our homework in the evenings
Seria Nosotros siempre hacemos nuestras tareas en el anochecer.
I never play football after school
Yo nunca juego futbol después de la escuela
They've got a test often on friday mornings.
Ellos tienen últimamente pruebas las mañanas de los viernes.
y así.
I never play football after school
They've got often a test on friday mornings.
You forget your homework sometimes
Luis goes to school always by bus
Isabel dosen't usually have luch in the canteen
Tim is never late for the Chess club
The girls aren't in town often on saturdays