• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: bryan324
  • hace 9 años

5 oraciones con did afirmativas , interrogativas , negativas 


Respuesta dada por: profesor100

El verbo DID se usa para poner las preguntas o respuestas en el tiempo pasado. Se coloca delante del pronombre ( I,YOU, SHE, HE, IT, YOU, WE, THEY), y se usa como auxiliar en las preguntas.


Aquí tienes cinco oraciones Afirmativas (estas no llevan did ).

I played with my sister yesterday

We ate pizza for dinner

They listened music for make the homework

You made the homework

I went to school five mins ago


Cinco oraciones Negativas

I didn't go to emma's house

They didn't play football

We didn't run yesterday

You didn't watch tv while you were eating

I didn't call his


Cinco oraciones Interrogativas

Did i make my homeworks?

Did you go to the concert?

Did she make a photo?

Did i drink water?

Did we listen music?

Respuesta dada por: ositaconlechugita


;-; el de arriba dijo la respuesta:""v

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