Respuesta dada por:
El Criminal Misterioso
Autor: Anonimo
Unas niñas que eran grandes amigas planearon una fiesta en la casa de Maddi, Fabiola y Noemí aceptaron ir a la fiesta ellas decidieron ir de compras para llevar comida a la fiesta ya estando en el supermercado vieron un cartel del criminal luego Noemí y Fabiola hablaron sobre lo que vieron luego comenzaron a bromear del tema… Fabiola dijo: .--Entonces si es cierto mira el criminal esta suelto…Luego de hacer las compras se fueron a la casa de Maddi ya estando en la casa saludaron a Maddi y comenzaron la fiesta y luego empezaron a jugar la botella.Fabiola saca la conversación sobre el criminal Maddi entrando en miedo oyó tocar la puerta Maddi se levanto a abrir la puerta, mientras Noemí y Fabiola siguen jugando, mientras tanto a Maddi es atacada violentamente colocándole un pañuelo con alcohol en el rostro luego. Fabiola y Noemí se asombraron al ver que Maddi nunca regreso. Dice Fabiola: .--mira no ha venido Maddi hay que ir a ver qué sucede. Se levantaron y fueron a la puerta, asombradas de ver que no estaba llamaron a la policía.En todo eso la policía llego, Fabiola y Noemí empezaron a buscar a Maddi luego llamaron a un detective, el detective empezó haciéndoles preguntas a las chicas… por Taboola Enlaces Patrocinados Te Puede GustarVuelo a Chihuahua por menos de 30$Diario De Una Chica¡Con Este Truco, Dile Adiós a las Arrugas!Mente Cuerpo Sano
El detective empezó a buscar en toda la casa, cuando llego a registrar por la puerta hallo una pañoleta que olía a alcohol, el detective muy sorprendido fue a reunirse con la policía. Sabiendo que el criminal es muy inteligente ya que la única prueba que tenían los policías y el detective era la pañoleta que se le cayó al criminal.Fabiola y Noemí muy asustadas por todo lo sucedido fueron con la Alexandra ya que ella estaba en el momento del crimen. Noemí y Fabiola fueron a preguntarle a Alexandra, pero ella al ver que Noemí y Fabiola le iban a ir a preguntar a Alexandra se puso nerviosa y no les quiso responder ninguna pregunta y les dijo que se sentía mal.El detective y los policías se fueron de acuerdo para ir a la investigar la casa de Maddi. Pero se dieron cuenta que la única pista que tienen es la pañoleta del criminal. Los policías llevaron la pañoleta a un perito para ver si pueden hallar las huellas del criminal.Los detectives fueron a donde el perito a ver si hallaron huellas del criminal haber si era el criminal (Ángel Josué) el que se buscaba, pero le dijeron que no había ninguna huella en la pañoleta.
The Mysterious Criminal
Author: Anonymous
Some girls who were great friends planned a party at the home of Maddi, Fabiola and Naomi agreed to go to the party they decided to go shopping to bring food to the party and being in the supermarket saw a poster criminal then Naomi and Fabiola talked about what they saw then started joking matter ...Fabiola said .-- So if it is true look at the criminal is loose ...After making purchases went to the house of Maddi and being in the house greeted Maddi and began the party and then began to play the bottle.Fabiola takes the conversation about the criminal Maddi heard fear entering touching the door Maddi up to open the door while still playing Naomi and Fabiola, meanwhile Maddi is attacked violently placing a handkerchief with alcohol on his face then. Fabiola and Naomi were shocked to see that Maddi never return. Fabiola says .-- Maddi looks did not come there to go see what happens. They got up and went to the door, amazed to see that it was not called the police.In all this the police arrived, Fabiola and Naomi started looking for Maddi then called a detective, the detective started asking questions to the girls ... by Taboola Sponsored Links You can likeFlight to Chihuahua for less than 30 $Diary Of A GirlWith this trick, say goodbye to wrinkles!Mind Healthy Body
The detective began searching throughout the house, when I get to register through the door I find a scarf that smelled of alcohol, the detective was very surprised to meet with police. Knowing that the criminal is very smart because the only evidence that had the police and the detective was the scarf that fell to the criminal.Fabiola and Naomi very frightened by everything that happened were with Alexandra as she was at the time of the crime. Fabiola Naomi and Alexandra were to ask, but she saw Naomi and Fabiola were going to ask Alexandra got nervous and did not want them to answer any questions and said he felt bad.The detective and the police were agreed to go to the house to investigate Maddi. But they realized that the only clue we have is criminal kerchief. The police took the kerchief an expert to see if they can find traces of criminal.The detectives went to where the expert to see if they have found traces of criminal if it was the criminal (Angel Joshua) who sought, but was told that there was no mark on the neckerchief.
Autor: Anonimo
Unas niñas que eran grandes amigas planearon una fiesta en la casa de Maddi, Fabiola y Noemí aceptaron ir a la fiesta ellas decidieron ir de compras para llevar comida a la fiesta ya estando en el supermercado vieron un cartel del criminal luego Noemí y Fabiola hablaron sobre lo que vieron luego comenzaron a bromear del tema… Fabiola dijo: .--Entonces si es cierto mira el criminal esta suelto…Luego de hacer las compras se fueron a la casa de Maddi ya estando en la casa saludaron a Maddi y comenzaron la fiesta y luego empezaron a jugar la botella.Fabiola saca la conversación sobre el criminal Maddi entrando en miedo oyó tocar la puerta Maddi se levanto a abrir la puerta, mientras Noemí y Fabiola siguen jugando, mientras tanto a Maddi es atacada violentamente colocándole un pañuelo con alcohol en el rostro luego. Fabiola y Noemí se asombraron al ver que Maddi nunca regreso. Dice Fabiola: .--mira no ha venido Maddi hay que ir a ver qué sucede. Se levantaron y fueron a la puerta, asombradas de ver que no estaba llamaron a la policía.En todo eso la policía llego, Fabiola y Noemí empezaron a buscar a Maddi luego llamaron a un detective, el detective empezó haciéndoles preguntas a las chicas… por Taboola Enlaces Patrocinados Te Puede GustarVuelo a Chihuahua por menos de 30$Diario De Una Chica¡Con Este Truco, Dile Adiós a las Arrugas!Mente Cuerpo Sano
El detective empezó a buscar en toda la casa, cuando llego a registrar por la puerta hallo una pañoleta que olía a alcohol, el detective muy sorprendido fue a reunirse con la policía. Sabiendo que el criminal es muy inteligente ya que la única prueba que tenían los policías y el detective era la pañoleta que se le cayó al criminal.Fabiola y Noemí muy asustadas por todo lo sucedido fueron con la Alexandra ya que ella estaba en el momento del crimen. Noemí y Fabiola fueron a preguntarle a Alexandra, pero ella al ver que Noemí y Fabiola le iban a ir a preguntar a Alexandra se puso nerviosa y no les quiso responder ninguna pregunta y les dijo que se sentía mal.El detective y los policías se fueron de acuerdo para ir a la investigar la casa de Maddi. Pero se dieron cuenta que la única pista que tienen es la pañoleta del criminal. Los policías llevaron la pañoleta a un perito para ver si pueden hallar las huellas del criminal.Los detectives fueron a donde el perito a ver si hallaron huellas del criminal haber si era el criminal (Ángel Josué) el que se buscaba, pero le dijeron que no había ninguna huella en la pañoleta.
The Mysterious Criminal
Author: Anonymous
Some girls who were great friends planned a party at the home of Maddi, Fabiola and Naomi agreed to go to the party they decided to go shopping to bring food to the party and being in the supermarket saw a poster criminal then Naomi and Fabiola talked about what they saw then started joking matter ...Fabiola said .-- So if it is true look at the criminal is loose ...After making purchases went to the house of Maddi and being in the house greeted Maddi and began the party and then began to play the bottle.Fabiola takes the conversation about the criminal Maddi heard fear entering touching the door Maddi up to open the door while still playing Naomi and Fabiola, meanwhile Maddi is attacked violently placing a handkerchief with alcohol on his face then. Fabiola and Naomi were shocked to see that Maddi never return. Fabiola says .-- Maddi looks did not come there to go see what happens. They got up and went to the door, amazed to see that it was not called the police.In all this the police arrived, Fabiola and Naomi started looking for Maddi then called a detective, the detective started asking questions to the girls ... by Taboola Sponsored Links You can likeFlight to Chihuahua for less than 30 $Diary Of A GirlWith this trick, say goodbye to wrinkles!Mind Healthy Body
The detective began searching throughout the house, when I get to register through the door I find a scarf that smelled of alcohol, the detective was very surprised to meet with police. Knowing that the criminal is very smart because the only evidence that had the police and the detective was the scarf that fell to the criminal.Fabiola and Naomi very frightened by everything that happened were with Alexandra as she was at the time of the crime. Fabiola Naomi and Alexandra were to ask, but she saw Naomi and Fabiola were going to ask Alexandra got nervous and did not want them to answer any questions and said he felt bad.The detective and the police were agreed to go to the house to investigate Maddi. But they realized that the only clue we have is criminal kerchief. The police took the kerchief an expert to see if they can find traces of criminal.The detectives went to where the expert to see if they have found traces of criminal if it was the criminal (Angel Joshua) who sought, but was told that there was no mark on the neckerchief.
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