• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: melary5
  • hace 3 años

porfa alguien e para mañana !!!! me urge ​



Respuesta dada por: delfiolmos18


yesterday i spent time with my family

yesterday i was reading a book

the other day i got a call of my friend

the other day i went to the doctor

last month i got a new phone

last year i was in ( pone el grado o curso en el q estaba el año pasado)

when my cousin play with me, i get happy

when my friend came to my house, we played with they phone

just now i want to be with my granma

just now im doing this homework

9 months ago, my aunt got a birth

1 year ago, this pandemic start

in (pone tu año d nacimiento) i born

in 2020 the virus got global


use pronombre they, aviso por si tu profe no los acepta, espero ayude

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