• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jhonchacha13
  • hace 3 años

1. Complete these sentences with the correct TAG QUESTIONS

1. You will come to the school concert, ______________?

2. You can play the guitar, ______________?

3. You haven´t got her new CD, _____________?

4. Mrs. Johnson played a song in your lesson, ________________?

5. We are going to the cinema tonight, ________________?

6. She sings really well, _______________?

7. She won’t lose my MP3 player, ___________________?

8. You don´t like rock music, __________________?

9. The film was great, ________________?

10. She would like to travel to Europe, ___________________?​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1. won't you?

2. can't you?

3. have you?

4. didn't she?

5. aren't we?

6. doesn't she?

7. will she?

8. do you?

9. wasn't it ?

10. wouldn't she?


El question Tag. Son pequeñas preguntas que incluimos al final de lafrase, ya sea afirmativa o negativa, para convertirla en interrogativa.

Si la oración principal es negativa el question tag es positivo.

Si la oración principal es afirmativa el question tag es negativo.

Respuesta dada por: twangchuk35



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