• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: isabelsofi26
  • hace 4 años

5 oraciones negativas en ingles

5 oraciones interrogativas en ingles


alefer1310: i don´t eat today


Respuesta dada por: tyu36


I haven't seen him since 2004.

She wasn't here when I woke up.

Nobody knows where she was born.

The weather isn't hot.

They are not four brothers.

Oraciones interrogativa

Are you sure they live here?

When did she arrive?

He has a new girlfriend, hasn't he?

What do you think about the new president?

Would you like to travel to India?

angiecubillasmunoz: denada ^^ espero haberte ayudado
Respuesta dada por: angiecubillasmunoz


oraciones negativas:

I haven't seen him since 2004.

She wasn't here when I woke up.

Nobody knows where she was born.

The weather isn't hot.

They are not four brothers.

oraciones interrogativas:

Are you sure they live here?

When did she arrive?

He has a new girlfriend, hasn't he?

What do you think about the new president?

Would you like to travel to India?

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