• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: camilamonsalve874
  • hace 3 años

holaa nesesito completar estás oraciones con el artículo the según corresponda. a) James always wants to have _________ biggest portion.

b) Sarah wants to go to _______ cinema on Friday.

c) ________ sun is a star

d) He is always on ______internet

e) I live in ______ small house with a blue door

f) _______English uses many words of Latin origin

g) ________Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth’s son

h) I love _______Fridays

i) _______ flowers on the table are nice

j) She is playing ______ guitar

k) _______ daughter is a doctor ​


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Considero que en todas las oraciones pongas "The"

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