• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yurijimenez38
  • hace 3 años

Ercicio 3
Escribe preguntas tipo Yes/No para las siguientes
Yes, I was. I was waiting on the corner.
Yes, the children were sleeping when you phoned
Yes, the was. Alan was speaking to his new girlfriend whe
NO, I was watching TV. I was revising the English vocab
Ne, they weren't arguing. They . they were rehearsing for the school play​


Respuesta dada por: alguienesalguien


Are you waiting there?

Yes, I was. I was waiting on the corner.

Are the children sleeping?

Yes, the children were sleeping when you phoned.

Was Alan speaking with a girl?

Yes, the was. Alan was speaking to his new girlfriend.

Are you watching TV?

NO, I wasn't watching TV. I was revising the English vocab.

Were they arguing?

No, they weren't arguing. They . they were rehearsing for the school play​

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