1) an
2) any
3) any
4) some
5) a
6) any
7) some
8) some
9) any
10) a
11) any
12) some
13) some
14) any
2) how much
3) how much
4) how many
5) how much
6) how much
7) how much
8) how much
9) how many
10) how much
11) how many
12) how many
1) How many eggs are there?
2) How much tomato juice is there?
3) How many packets of pasta are there?
4) How many red peppers are there?
5) How many beans are there?
6) How much pizza is there?
7) How much salt is there?
1) are
2) aren't
3) some
4) an
5) any
6) isn't
7) many
8) is
9) some
10) much
11) much
12) some
1) uncountable
2) countable
3) uncountable
4) uncountable
5) countable
6) countable
7) countable
8) countable
9) uncountable
10) countable
11) uncountable
12) uncountable
13) uncountable
14) countable
15) uncountable
16) uncountable
17) uncountable
18) countable
19) uncountable
20) countable
21) uncountable
22) countable
23) countable
24) countable
25) countable
26) countable
Si necesitas ayida en entender algún punto puedes decirme, espero te sirva.
En la primer y cuarta parte debe completar las oraciones con los adjetivos cuantitativos, en la segunda y tercera parte con how much o how many y en la última parte indicar si son sustantivos contables o incontables.
Adjetivos Cuantitativos
Los artículos indefinidos "a y an" significan "un o una", se utiliza "a" cuando la palabra que le sigue inicia con una consonante en cambio se utiliza "an" cuando la siguiente palabra comienza con una vocal.
Some se puede traducir como: "algo de" o "algunos/as". Se usa siempre en oraciones positivas o para hacer preguntas.
Any se traduce como: “algo de” o “algunas/os” “ningún” o “ninguno/a". Se usa en oraciones negativas o interrogativas.
1. Fill the gaps with A/ AN/ SOME/ AN.
- There is an apple.
- There aren't any oranges.
- There aren't any eggs.
- There is some butter.
- There isn't any sandwich.
- There isn't any milk.
- There is some pineapple juice.
- There are some bananas.
- There aren't any cakes.
- There is some bread.
- There isn't any rice.
- There are some tomatoes.
- There is some jam.
- There isn't any cheese.
How much y how many son frases que se usan para preguntar la cantidad de algo.
How Much y How Many.
- How many significa "cuántos" y se utiliza para hacer preguntas por sustantivos contables.
- How much quiere decir "cuánto" y se utiliza para preguntar por la cantidad de sustantivos no contables.
2. Fill in the gaps with How much or How many.
- How much butter is there?
- How much pizza is there?
- How much honey is there?
- How many bottles of milk are there?
- How many strawberries are there?
- How much fish is there?
- How many slices of bread are there?
- How much meat is there?
- How many peaches are there?
- How much ham is there?
- How much salad is there?
3. Make Questions.
- How many eggs are there? There are a lot of eggs.
- How much tomato juice is there? There isn’t any tomato juice.
- Haw many packets of pasta are there? There is a packet of pasta.
- How many red peppers are there? There are three red peppers.
- How many beans are there? There are a lot of beans.
- How much pizza is there? There is some pizza.
- How much salt is there? There is a little salt.
4. Fill in with a / an / some / any / is / are / much / many.
Lisa: I'm hungry. Are there any crisps?
Tom: No, there aren't any but there is a ham sandwich.
Lisa: Great, I'll have the ham sandwich and then an orange. Is there any ice-Cream left?
Tom: No, there isn't any ice-Cream. I'll go to the supermarket. How many tomatoes are there?
Lisa: There is only one. We should buy some more tomatoes. Oh! How much butter is there?
Tom: there isn't much. And We need some sugar, too.
5. Write C for countable and U for uncountable.
Sustantivos Contables e Incontables.
Los sustantivos contables son aquellos sustantivos que se pueden contar y van antecedidos por un articulo (a/an) por otro lado los incontables son aquellos que no se pueden contar y por lo tanto siempre se expresan en singular.
- Oil Uncountable
- Carrots Countable
- Sugar Uncountable
- Chocolate Uncountable
- Chicken Countable
- Prawns Countable
- Peas Uncountable
- Lemons Countable
- Flour Uncountable
- Cucumbers Countable
- Cheese Uncountable
- Fish Uncountable
- Vinegar Uncountable
- Onions Countable
- Pepper Countable
- Lettuce Uncountable
- Pasta Uncountable
- Pears Countable
- Honey Uncountable
- Croissants Countable
- Tea Uncountable
- Cup of tea Countable
- Eggs Countable
- Bottle of milk Countable
- Toast Uncountable
- Can of coke Countable
Puedes ver más sobre cuantificadores aquí
Puedes ver más sobre how much y how many aquí
Puedes ver más sustantivos contables e incontables aquí