• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: xavitello9
  • hace 3 años

f. How are you?___________ am fine.
Name: Homework Activities March Week n°3
g. This is a football._________ is blue and white.
h. Where are my glasses?_________ are on the table.
i. Here are Doris and me. _____________are sitting on the wall.
5-Type the correct word in the boxes below.
He She It We They

es para una tarea porfa


Respuesta dada por: PL3XSITO


f. How are you? I am fine.

g. This is a football. He is blue and white.

h. Where are my glasses? They are on the table.

i. Here are Doris and me. We are sitting on the wall.

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