• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: WOMPETE
  • hace 3 años

Agradecería mucho que me ayudaran :(
Choose the correct verb and complete the sentences using the ‘’Present Perfect Tense.

Answer - break - buy - clean - leave - lose - finish - walk

1. Claire has …………… answered…………… all the questions.

2. I have ………… walked…………….. ten kilometres.

3. They have ……… lost ………………….. their car keys.

4. Jhon has …………… bought………….. a new jacket.

5. Diana has …………… broken………….. her arm.

6. Bill and Tim have ……… cleaned…………………. The kitchen.

7. The train has ………… left………….. the station.

8. Karen has …………… finished…………… her violín practice


Respuesta dada por: Keao


1) Claire has answer all the questions.

2) I have walk ten kilometres.

3) They have lose their car keys.

4) Jhon has buy a new jacket.

5) Diana has break her arm.

6) Bill and Tim have clean the kitchen.

7) The train has leave the station.

8) Karen has finish her violín practice.


Espero haberte ayudado :)

WOMPETE: gracias <3
Keao: De nada :) ¿me sigues? please OuO
WOMPETE: sip claro
WOMPETE: aunque acavo de darme cuenta de que ya tenia lista esa jsjsjjas
WOMPETE: pero no te preocupes igual te sigo
WOMPETE: soy un tonto lo se :((((((((888
Keao: jsjjs, gracias
Keao: Y... no eres tonto ehh
Keao: :')
Respuesta dada por: jsanchezm15


Holaa me pueden decir en present perfect las siguientes palabras: answer , break ,buy , clean, empty, leave,lose , finish, walk. Gracias

Estas palabras son verbos, algunos irregulares y para construir el present perfect hay que utilizar el verbo auxiliar to have y el participio del verbo.

I have answered

You have broken

He has bought

She has cleaned

It has emptied

We have left

You have lost

They have finished

I have walked

Suerte con vuestras tareas


es lo que quiereis u otra cosa

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