• Asignatura: Historia
  • Autor: mimo10
  • hace 9 años

quiero 10 preguntas de la independencia de mexico en ingles


Respuesta dada por: TheMAFG
Because it began the independence of Mexico?

Respuesta dada por: kidbudowski

1- When was the beginning of the Independence of Mexico ?
2- Place where the priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla gave the Cry of Independence?
3- almomento to give the Grito , what words uttered Hidalgo?
4- What Miguel Hidalgo adopted as estandartepara its army ?                       5- Who led insurgent actions in southern Mexico ?
6- Who warned losinsurgentes when the conspiracy against the Spanish authorities discovered?                                                                                  7- How you are known the young miner back was protected with a slab to open Laspuertas of the Alhóndiga ?
8- What state gathered secretly to make preparations for the independence movement ?                                                                                                      9. On what date was shot the priest Hidalgo?                                             10 - ¿Años that lasted the war of independence ?
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