• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: michelalbornoz467
  • hace 3 años

Llene los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del presente
(brush) my teeth three times a day
2. The boy
(notread) his school books erery day
(you read) cartoon books every day?
4. He (watch) television every evening.
5. His mother
(buy) fruit at the market
6. My friends
(notgo) to school on Sund
7. My father
(not/swim) every day.
(helgo) to school by bus?
(theyllearn) Chinese on Mondays
(come) to school with his ma
10. He​


Respuesta dada por: BunntPegasus14


1.- I brush my teeth three times a day

2.- The boy read his school books every day

3.- Read you cartoon books every day?

4.- He watch television every evening

5.- his mother buy fruit at the market

6.- my frienda go to eschool on sunday

7.- my father swim every day

8.- go he to school by bus?

9.- they learn chinese on mondays

10.- he go to school whit his mother


no entendí bien lo siento si esta mal

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