• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: arrozconleche71
  • hace 4 años

ordenar las siguientes preguntas:
1) When/start/did/you/it?

3)Where/usually/go on holiday/do/you?
4)do/holiday/friends or family/go on?
5)How long/do/last/your holidays?

7)What/like/do/at the weekend/you/doing?
8)do/ever/work or study/weekend/you?
9)where/go out/do/you?
10)what time/get up/do/you?​


Respuesta dada por: jucaco7p9d08s


1) When did you start it?

2) Why do you enjoy it?

3) Where usually do you go on holiday

4) no entiendo falta la pregunta

5) How long last do your holidays?

6) What do activities do you?

7) What do you like at the weekend doing?

8)no entiendo falta la pregunta

9)where do go out you?

10)What time do get up you?

arrozconleche71: muchas gracias :D
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