• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sayu2019
  • hace 3 años


1. If I ________________ (go) out tonight, I __________________ (go) to the cinema.
2. If you ____________ (get) back late, I ___________________ (be) angry.
3. If we __________________ (not / see) each other tomorrow, we _________________ (see)
each other next week.
4. If he ______________________ (come), I _________________ (be) surprised.
5. If we ________________ (wait) here, we _________________ (be) late.
6. If we ___________ (go) on holiday this summer, we ______________ (go) to Spain.
7. If the weather ___________________ (not / improve), we __________________ (not / have) a picnic.
8.If you _________________ (not / want) to go out, I_____________ (cook) dinner at home.
9. I __________________________ (come) early if you __want________________ (want).
10. They __________________ (go) to the party if they ______are____________ (be) invited.
11. She __________________ (stay) in London if she __________________ (get) a job.
12. He __________________ (not / get) a better job if he ____________________ (not / pass)
that exam.
13. She __________________(buy) chicken if she _______________shopping
14. If my father ________________ (rehearse) for the concert, he _____________(do) a good
15. They ___________________(take) many pictures if they _____________(go) to Paris


Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

Answer 1: If I go out tonight, I will go to the cinema.

Translation 1: Si salgo esta noche, iré al cine.

Answer 2: If you get back late, I will be angry.

Translation 2: Si vuelves tarde, me enfadaré.

Answer 3: If we don't see each other tomorrow, we will see each other next week.

Translation 3: Si no nos vemos mañana, nos veremos la semana que viene.

Answer 4: If he comes, I will be surprised.

Translation 4: Si él viene, yo me sorprenderé.

Answer 5: If we wait here, we will be late.

Translation 5: Si esperamos aquí, llegaremos tarde.

Answer 6: If we go on holiday this summer, we will go to Spain.

Translation 6: Si nos vamos de vacaciones este verano, iremos a España.

Answer 7: If the weather doesn't improve, we won't have a picnic.

Translation 7: Si el clima no mejora, no haremos un picnic.

Answer 8: If you don't want to go out, I will cook dinner at home.

Translation 8: Si no quieres salir, prepararé la cena en casa.

Answer 9: I will come early if you want.

Translation 9: Vendré temprano si tú quieres.

Answer 10: They will go to the party if they are invited.

Translation 10: Ellos irán a la fiesta si son invitados.

Answer 11: She will stay in London if she gets a job.

Translation 11: Ella se quedará en Londres si consigue un trabajo.

Answer 12: He won't get a better job if he doesn't pass that exam.

Translation 12: Él no obtendrá un mejor trabajo si no aprueba ese examen.

Answer 13: She will buy chicken if she goes shopping.

Translation 13: Ella comprará pollo si va de compras.

Answer 14: If my father rehearses for the concert, he will do a good performance.

Translation 14: Si mi padre ensaya para el concierto, hará una buena actuación.

Answer 15: They will take many pictures if they go to Paris.

Translation 15: Ellos harán muchas fotos si van a París.


En inglés usamos el primer condicional para hablar de situaciones que consideramos muy probable que ocurran en el futuro si se cumple una determinada condición. La estructura es:

[If] + [sujeto] + [verbo presente] + ... + [,] + [sujeto] + [verbo futuro] + ...

Es posible cambiar el orden de las cláusulas y entonces no es necesaria la coma para separar las cláusulas:

[sujeto] + [verbo futuro] + ... + [If] + [sujeto] + [verbo presente] + ...

Michael Spymore

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