• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: paulaalape2
  • hace 3 años

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Beowulf is an OId English epic poem of unknown authorship. It originated between the eighth and eleventh centuries and it

recounts events that occurred in what is now Denmark and Sweden. it is 3,782 lines long and is regarded as one of the most

important works of Anglo-Saxon literature ever written. Scholars have speculated on its origins for centuries and the story

has been adapted into prose and film. The first part of Beowulf´s battle with Grendel, who has been attacking the land of


A long time ago, there was a kingdom known as Geatsland, ruled by King Hygelac. The people of Geatsland were famous

for their bravery and many of the men became great warriors. One young boy in particular had shown great and courage. He

was the King's nephew, and he grew up to be the strongest warrior in the kingdom. His name was Beowulf.

Every evening, while the warriors ate their delicious feasts, they would listen to stories told by wandering minstrels. One

night, a terrified traveler told a horrific story from the Land of Hrothgar. He told of a ferocious beast, which was part animal,

part man, and part bird. Its name was Grendel, and it had bewitched and carried away thirty of Hrothgar's people in their

sleep. Not a single one of them had been found.

Beowulf listened to the traveler's story, and as soon as it was finished he stood up. He promised the warriors that he would

help Hrothgar. King Hygelac asked Beowulf what he needed and preparations were made for the dangerous journey.

Beowulf selected fourteen warriors to accompany him, and they set sail for Hrothgar's land in rough seas. The ship fought

crashing waves for many hours, and at times it seemed the ship might sink. Finally, the warriors Ianded on Hrothgar's beach.

Beowulf and his companions were given a delicious welcome dinner as honored guests. While they were eating, they were

once again provided with details of the hideous beast. They were told it came silently in the night. In the mornings, screams

were heard throughout the land as people awoke to find their loved ones had mysteriously disappeared without a sign. None

of those taken had been seen again. Fear ruled the land of Hrothgar.

When night came, Beowulf secured the door of the hall where he and his companions were to sleep. Before he lay down, the

warrior decided that he would not close his eyes. He lie awake throughout the night listening for sounds from the dreadful

Grendel. The rest of the warriors slept soundly, unaware that the monstrous Grendel was standing outside in the fog, casting

a spell upon those who slept. However, as Beowulf was not sleeping, the spell did not overpower him.

Beowulf was listening and waiting when Grendel slowly and silently opened the door. Beowulf couldn't believe the

horrendous apparition in the doorway. Its legs were like tree trunks and its huge body was covered in scales. Its mouth was a

black hole of dripping fangs. It jumped towards Beowulf with its horrible bony hands outstretched. The young warrior and

the hideous Grendel struggled on the floor. It was a mighty battle between two extremely powerful beings.
Although it was difficult, Beowulf didn't let go of the monster. They flew into walls and furniture, smashing into windows

and doors while the warriors slept. As Beowulf began to tire, he felt the muscles in Grendel's arm finally stretch and snap.

The monster emitted a piercing scream and fell to the floor. Breathing heavily, Beowulf waited for the beast to rise again, but

it did not. Beowulf had defeated the beast. The joyous king, who had woken up when the castle shook, ran to Beowulf and

hugged him. Hrothgar shouted to his people that Grendel's reign of terror had ended. The beast could never hurt anyone

again thanks to the courageous Beowulf. The people of Hrothgar took to the streets in celebration. They cheered and praised

Beowulf, and showered him with gifts of gratitude. Beowulf returned home a hero.​


Respuesta dada por: ms8083772



the story  has been adapted into prose and film


Scholars have speculated on its origins for centuries and the story


who has been attacking the land of Hrothgar?

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