Write the right plural for each word.
Church = Class = Car =
Kimono = Video = Ox =
Story = Baby = Fish =
Hero = Cargo = Phone =
Box = Zero = Doctor =
Bufalo = Fox = Computer =
Tax = Watch = Backpack =
Motto = Volcano = Friend =
Dancer = Carrot = Tomato =
Boy = Peacock = Chef =
Office = Pilot = Person =
Girl = Singer = Speaker =
Instrument = Street = Dragon =
Day = Song = Cactus =
Canoe = Bank = Family =
Paper = Ruler = Holiday =
Mango = Candy = Zebra =
Taxi = Sash = Book =
churches - classes - cars - kimonos - videos - oxes - stories - babies - fish - heroes - cargos - phones - boxes - zeros - doctors - bufalos - foxes - computers - taxes - watches - backpacks - mottos - volcanos - friends - dancers - carrots - tomatos (o tomatoes) - boys - peacocks - chefs - offices - pilots - persons - girls - singers - speakers - instruments - streets - dragons - days - songs - cactus - canoes - banks - families - papers - rulers - holidays - mangos - candies - zebras- taxis - ? - books
seguramente hay algunas que están mal, pero la mayoría son correctas
Most of the plurals of the words you point to are formed by adding the letter "S" to the end.
¿How to form plurals?
The plural is formed in most cases by adding the "S" to the end of the word, but there are occasions where "es" is placed at the end. I will indicate the words that correspond in each case:
- Plural formed with S: cars, kimonos, videos, charges, phones, zeros, doctors, buffalos, computers, mottos, friends, dancers, carrots, boys, peacocks, chefs, offices, pilots, persons, girls, singers, speakers, instruments , streets, dragons, days, songs, banks, papers, rulers, holidays, candys, zebras, taxis, books.
- Plural formed with ES: churches, classes, oxes, stories, babies, fishes, heroes, boxes, foxes, taxes, watches, backpackes, volcanoes, tomatoes, cactuses, canoes, families, mangoes, sashes.
En español
La mayoría de los plurales de las palabras que señalas se forman agregándole la letra "S" al final.
¿Cómo formar plurales?
El plural se forma en la mayoría de los casos al agregarle la "S" al final de la palabra, pero hay ocasiones en dónde se coloca "es" al final. te indicaré las palabras que corresponden en cada caso:
- Plural formado con S: cars, kimonos, videos, cargos, phones, zeros, doctors, bufalos, computers, mottos, friends, dancers, carrots, boys, peacocks, chefs, offices, pilots, persons, girls, singers, speakers, instruments, streets, dragons, days, songs, banks, papers, rulers, holidays, candys, zebras, taxis, books.
- Plural formado con ES: churches, classes, oxes, stories, babies, fishes, heroes, boxes, foxes, taxes, watches, backpackes, volcanoes, tomatoes, cactuses, canoes, families, mangoes, sashes.
Otra consulta sobre plurales en https://brainly.lat/tarea/3066327