• Asignatura: Matemáticas
  • Autor: genesiscolcha2009
  • hace 4 años

10 oraciones en pasado simple solía en afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa, en ingles y español.
por favor es para hoy

tiaraleo1561: para a qioras lo quieres
genesiscolcha2009: es para la 6:40
tiaraleo1561: boy haber si te ayudo por que tambien tengo tarea ya
genesiscolcha2009: ok


Respuesta dada por: zharith74282425

(afirmativo)   we got up early in the morning

(negativo)   we didn't get up early in the morning

(interrogativa)   did we get up early in the morning?


she reads books

she didn't read books

dis she read books?


She sat on the piano

she didn't sit on the piano

did she sit on the piano?


i used my mother's instrument

i didn't use my mother's instrument

did i use my mother instrument?


susan went on holiday

susan didn't went on holiday

did susan went on holiday?


i swam very well

i din't swim very well

did swim very well?


my sister studied at the cinema

my sister didn't study at the cinema

did my sister study at the cinema?


They drank coffee every morning

they didn't drink coffee every morning

Did they drink coffee every morning?

genesiscolcha2009: gracias muchas gracias
zharith74282425: okis me puedes poner corona pliss
genesiscolcha2009: oye pero no me sale la corona déjame si me ponen otra respuesta para ponerte corona si
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