• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: christianscf
  • hace 9 años

Necesito esto para mi tarea de INGLES:

3 oraciones POSITIVAS con verbos REGULARES

3 oraciones POSITIVAS con verbos IRREGULARES

3 oraciones NEGATIVAS con verbos REGULARES

3 oraciones NEGATIVAS con verbos IRREGULARES




Respuesta dada por: BarneyStinson
We walk by the street
They are playing soccer
I'm cleaning my room

She's drinking water
He's buying a car
I know who is that person

I don't like apples
We don't need help
She doesn't want talk

I don't read anything
We don't know english
She doesn't eat in the morning

Can you open the door?
Do you want her?
Is she listen this?

Did you eat?
he can run?
Can you begin?

Anónimo: muy bien hecho,,, se nota que sabes ingles (no quiero ofender :)
BarneyStinson: Gracias, de hecho me gusta y quiero aprenderlo bien por eso estudio mucho el idioma :)
Anónimo: Si necesitas ayuda me avisas soy bueno en el ya :D
BarneyStinson: Desde luego, ahí por si no entiendo algo estaré en contacto contigo
Anónimo: ya
christianscf: Graciaaaaas
christianscf: Me salio todo mal y hare examen :)
christianscf: pero fue mi culpa
Respuesta dada por: Anónimo
1.- R.P.
I accept the new phone I got
-I act very well
-I am good a amusing other people
I won't accept the new phone I got
-I don't act very good
-I'm not good a amusing other people
3.- P.I.
-I began the exam at 3:40 pm
-I broke a window when I was young
-I chose to be a good person a long time ago
-I didn't begin the exam at 3:40 pm
-I didn't break a window when I was young
-I didn't chose to be a good person a long time ago
5.-Pregunta R.
-Did I ask him his new phone number?
-Does he earn a lot of money?
-Did she drop her purse? (cartera)
6.- Preg. I.
-Did I catch the ball?
-Do you drink soda? (gaseosa)
-Did I feed my dog?

(espero que te haya servido :D)
PD: R.P.= regulares positivas
R.N.= regulares negativas y asi susesivamente :)
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