• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Caraballodaniela472
  • hace 3 años

escribe un breve párrafo corto acerca de los de adjetivos en inglés. ​


Respuesta dada por: lupevalentinacarrill


In the morning I wake up when the alarm clock rings, as that day there is a holiday I start to procrastinate for a while and then I start to do my tasks, when I'm bored I clean the house, I feed my dog, I go out to Walk a while, then I had lunch with my family, that day was special, since it was my birthday and I was excited when I remember that, but no one else remembered it, sad at night I went to sleep without waiting in the Dawn, when I went to the bathroom, surprise! Everyone was awake in the living room and we celebrated my birthday. That day was great and I will never forget it.

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