• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ANDRES007Proo
  • hace 9 años

(20 puntos)
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muchas gracias

" Desde mi opinión personal.
Considero que cada persona tiene derecho a elegir sus gustos. No importa si son criticados y poco aceptados por la sociedad,
A mi me encantan los tatuajes, y en el futuro quiero tatuarme gran cantidad de mi cuerpo, muchas veces otras personas me critican y me dicen que no debo manchar mi cuerpo debido a creencias religiosas pero yo no pienso de igual manera que ellos y tarde o temprano tatuaré mi cuerpo. Cualquier persona que quiera tatuarse puede hacerlo. Esto es un arte hermoso que merece ser expandido por el mundo, merece ser conocido y añadido por todas las culturas y sociedades del mundo. Si no estás de acuerdo con los tatuajes procura no criticar a los que si están de acuerdo. Cada persona tiene libertad de manejar su cuerpo como desee de igual manera están los piercings a mi me parece que esto también es arte pero en menor medida, muchos lo hacen por lucir bien y tener un toque diferente que los identifique de los demás, algunas de estas perforaciones se ven bastante bien aunque sin embargo también recibe críticas de personas poco factibles al cambio. Cada quien decide como tener su cuerpo aunque tambien se debe tener en cuenta que no debe degradarse el ser total.


Respuesta dada por: Cristianadrian111
I would love tattoos, and in the future I want to tattoo lot of my body, often other people criticize me and tell me I should not stain my body because of religious beliefs, but I do not think the same as them and sooner or I tatuaré my body early. Anyone who wants to tattoo you can. This is a beautiful art that deserves to be expanded around the world, deserves to be known and added by all cultures and societies around the world. If you do not agree with tattoos try not to criticize if they agree. Each person is free to manage your body as you likewise are piercings seems to me that this is also art but to a lesser extent, many do to look good and have a different touch that identifies others, some of these holes look pretty good but nevertheless also receives reviews unfeasible to change people. Everyone decides how to have your body but also should be aware that should not degrade the total being

ANDRES007Proo: muchas gracias amigo
Cristianadrian111: denada
Respuesta dada por: katerink


"From my personal opinion.

I believe that each person has the right to choose their tastes. It doesn't matter if they are criticized and little accepted by society,

I love tattoos, and in the future I want to tattoo a lot of my body, many times other people criticize me and tell me that I should not stain my body due to religious beliefs but I do not think the same way that they and later or I'll tattoo my body early. Anyone who wants to get a tattoo can do it. This is a beautiful art that deserves to be expanded by the world, it deserves to be known and added by all the cultures and societies of the world. If you do not agree with tattoos, try not to criticize those who do agree. Each person has the freedom to manage their body as they wish, in the same way there are piercings, it seems to me that this is also art but to a lesser extent, many do it to look good and have a different touch that identifies them from others, some of them These perforations look quite good, although they also receive criticism from unfeasible people for the change. Each one decides how to have his body although it must also be taken into account that the total being must not be degraded.


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