• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: adrihl17
  • hace 3 años

ayuda es urgente
1. Escribe el tiempo verbal correcto.
a. Elena ___________ (go) to school by bus every day.
b. Joe ___________ (visit) his grandma at the moment.
c. Listen! William ___________ (play) the violin.
d. My sister ___________ (not like) math.
e. The children ___________ (play) football every Sunday.
f. Turn off the TV. No one ___________ (watch).
g. Where is your mother?. She ___________ (cook) in the kitchen
h. I ___________ (walk) my dog in the park every morning.
i. What ___________ you ___________ (do)?. I ___________ a
nurse. (be)
j. What ___________ you ___________ (do)?. I ___________
___________ (clean) my room.
k. Who is that woman? What ___________ she ___________
(want) from you?
2. Completa las oraciones usando la forma correcta de los verbos.
a. (play) I ___________ golf every weekend. The children
___________ ___________ outside at the moment.
b. (work) Melanie ___________ at home today. You can’t borrow
my hair dryer because it (not) ___________ .
c. (make) What ___________ you ___________ ? It smells
delicious. Every morning, my mother ___________ breakfast for
d. (live) Eve ___________ in Hong Kong now. Do you still
___________ with your parents in Hong Kong?
e. (eat) My sister only ___________ vegetables; she is a vegan. My
sister ___________ breakfast at the moment. Can you call her

3. Completa el párrafo según las diferencias entre presente simple y
presente continuo en inglés.
Good morning everyone. I would like you all to meet Mrs. Smith.
She (a) ___________ (be) a primary school teacher. She (b)
___________ (teach) Math, Science and English. She (c)
___________ (teach) English at the moment. She (d) ___________
(be) married. Her husband (e) ___________ (be) an architect. He (f)
___________ (design) houses. They (g) ___________ (have) two
children. Mrs. Smith (h) ___________ (speak) French very well but
she (i) ___________ ___________ (not teach) it.


Respuesta dada por: xoxoo92




a) goes

b) is visiting

c) is playing

d) did not like/ didn't like

e) plays

f) is watching it

g) is cooking.

h) walk.

i) did, do, was.

j) did, do, was cleaning.

k) does, want.



b) works,

c) are, making, makes.

d) lives, living.

e) eates, is eating.


a) a.

b) teaches.

c) is teaching.

d) is.

e) is.

f) designs.

g) have.

h) speaks

i) does not/ doesn't

xoxoo92: si te sirvió mi respuesta vótame porfa.
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