• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ninlla152
  • hace 3 años

2 Rewrite the sentences so that the positive ones are negative and the negative ones are positive. 0. They are telling the truth. They aren´t telling the truth.
1. We haven’t had breakfast today. ____________________________________
2. They haven’t been paying attention. ____________________________________
3. Mary hasn’t been at school all day. ____________________________________
4. We have been making lemonade. ____________________________________
5. Ian plays tennis regularly. ____________________________________
ayuda plz.

ninlla152: en esta pregunta toca poner las oraciones alves osea si es positiva toca ponerla en negativa y si es negativa toca ponerla en positiva


Respuesta dada por: bashbasiu


1.We had breakfast today

2.They've been paying attention

3.Mary has been at school all day

4.We haven't been making lemonade

5.Ian doesn't play tennis regularly


Espero te sirva, cualquier duda decime:)

ninlla152: Muchas gracias :>
Respuesta dada por: juanbarmo12


1.We had breakfast today

2.They've been paying attention

3.Mary has been at school all day

4.We haven't been making lemonade

5.Ian doesn't play tennis regularly



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