• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nadiabelenmachicadoq
  • hace 3 años

A: Can I borrow your calculator?
B: Sorry, but I ______________________ (still / use) it.
A: Ok, it _______________________ (not matter). I’ll ask
for it to John.
· See you in the morning. I __________________ (leave) in a minute.
· I ______________________ (never / wear) a tie to work and I _________________ (refuse) to start now!
· If you drop it, it will explode! What _________________ (you / do)?
· You are a great cook! This cake __________________ (taste) wonderfully.
· Excuse me, but ________________________ (this bus / stop) outside the Post Office?
· Henry _________________________ (still / not find) a job.
· I ___________________ (drive)! You can sit in the back with Martin.
· How long ________________________ (you / wait) for the bus? You __________________ (look) really
· Ugh, don’t show me that picture! I ________________ (can’t stand) spiders!
· Joan _____________________ (seldom / sit) next to Eve.
· I’ve finished my exams so I _________________ (lie) on the beach the rest of the summer.
· Stop doing that! You __________________ (be) very silly today, Paul!
· It’s ages since I ________________ (not be) to an Indian restaurant. ____________________ (you / fancy)
coming today with me?
· In winter, what _______________________ (you / wear)?
· Why _________________________ (you / look) at me like that? Have I done something wrong?
· The coat _____________________ (not fit) me. I need a larger size.
· Thanks for this great time. I ___________________ (have) a lovely evening.
· This is an exam. Why ____________________ (you / talk)?
· I _______________________ (not decide) about buying a new bike yet. I _____________________ (think)
about it.
· The dog ______________________ (dig) all the morning but it _____________________ (not find) any bones
· Every Easter my granny ___________________ (visit) us and my mum and she _____________________
(argue) angrily all the time.
· We ________________________ (walk) the whole day. Let’s have a rest.
· How many books ________________ (she / edit) so far?

Gente, ayuda


Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

A: Can I borrow your calculator?

Translation: A: ¿Puedo tomar prestada tu calculadora?

Answer B: Sorry but I'm still using it.

Translation: B: Lo siento, pero todavía la estoy usando.

Answer A: Ok, it doesn't matter. I’ll ask for it to John.

Translation: A: No importa. Se la pediré a John.

·Answer: See you in the morning. I'm leaving in a minute.

Translation: Te veo por la mañana. Yo me voy en un minuto.

·Answer: I have never worn a tie to work and I refuse to start now.!

Translation: ¡Yo nunca he llevado corbata en el trabajo y me niego a empezar ahora!

·Answer: If you drop it, it will explode! What are you doing?

Translation: ¡Si lo dejas caer explotará! ¿Qué estás haciendo?

·Answer: You are a great cook! This cake tastes wonderfully.

Translation: ¡Eres un gran cocinero! Este pastel sabe maravillosamente.

·Answer: Excuse me, but does this bus stop outside the Post Office?

Translation: Discúlpeme, pero ¿este autobús para al lado de la oficina de correos?

·Answer: Henry still hasn't found a job.

Translation: Henry todavía no ha encontrado un empleo.

·Answer: I will drive! You can sit in the back with Martin.

Translation: ¡Yo conduciré! Tu puedes sentarte atrás con Martin.

·Answer: How long have you been waiting for the bus? you look really annoyed!

Translation: ¿Cuánto tiempo has estado esperando el autobús? ¡pareces realmente enfadado!

·Answer: Ugh, don't show me that picture! I can't stand spiders!

Translation: ¡No me muestres esa imagen! ¡Yo no soporto las arañas!

·Answer: Joan seldom sits next to Eve.

Translation: Joan rara vez se sienta al lado de Eve.

·Answer: I've finished my exams, so I'm going to lie on the beach the rest of the summer.

Translation: Yo he terminado mis exámenes, así que voy a tumbarme en la playa el resto del verano.

·Answer: Stop doing that! You're being very silly today, Paul!

Translation: ¡Deja de hacer eso! ¡Tú estas siendo muy tonto hoy, Paul!

·Answer: It's ages since I haven't been to an Indian restaurant. Would you fancy coming today with me?

Translation: Hace años que no he estado en un restaurante indio. ¿Te gustaría venir hoy conmigo?

·Answer: In winter, what do you wear?

Translation: En invierno, ¿qué llevas puesto?

·Answer: Why are you looking at me like that? Have I done something wrong?

Translation: ¿Por qué me miras así? ¿He hecho algo mal?

·Answer: The coat doesn't fit me. I need a larger size.

Translation: El abrigo no me queda bien. Necesito una talla mayor.

·Answer: Thanks for this great time. I had a lovely evening.

Translation: Gracias por este gran momento. Tuve una hermosa velada.

·Answer: This is an exam. Why do you talk?

Translation: Esto es un examen. ¿Por qué hablas?

·Answer: I have not decided about buying a new bike yet. I am thinking about it.

Translation: Todavía no me he decidido a comprar una bicicleta nueva. Estoy pensándolo.

·Answer: The dog has been digging all the morning but it hasn't found any bones yet.

Translation: El perro ha estado cavando toda la mañana, pero aún no ha encontrado huesos.

·Answer: Every Easter my granny visits us us and my mum and she argue angrily all the time.

Translation: Cada Semana Santa nos visita mi abuelita, y mi mamá y ella discuten con rabia todo el tiempo.

·Answer: We have walked the whole day. Let's have a rest.

Translation: Hemos caminado todo el día. Vamos a tomar un descanso.

·Answer: How many books has she edited so far?

Translation: ¿Cuántos libros ha editado ella hasta ahora?

Michael Spymore

Antonella16546: Hola
Antonella16546: michael
Antonella16546: me ayudas cn inglés xfisss
lindaalcantara327: hola
enamoradojuana13: hola
Respuesta dada por: ibthanna

This exercise is about filling in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. The answers are as follows.

Tense revision

A: Can I borrow your calculator?

B: Sorry, but I am still using it.

A: Ok, it doesn´t matter. I’ll ask for it to John.

· See you in the morning. I will leave in a minute.

· I have never worn a tie to work and I refuse to start now!

· If you drop it, it will explode! What are you doing?

· You are a great cook! This cake tastes wonderful.

· Excuse me, but does this bus stop outside the Post Office?

· Henry still cannot find a job.

· I'll drive! You can sit in the back with Martin.

· How long have you been waiting for the bus? You look really


· Ugh, don’t show me that picture! I can’t stand spiders!

· Joan seldom sits next to Eve.

· I’ve finished my exams so I'll lie on the beach the rest of the summer.

· Stop doing that! You are being very silly today, Paul!

· It’s ages since I haven't been to an Indian restaurant. Would you fancy coming today with me?

· In winter, what will you wear?

· Why are you looking at me like that? Have I done something wrong?

· The coat doesn't fit me. I need a larger size.

· Thanks for this great time. I had a lovely evening.

· This is an exam. Why are you talking?

· I  haven't decided about buying a new bike yet. I am thinking about it.

· The dog has been digging all morning but it cannot find any bones yet.

· Every Easter my granny visits us and my mum and she argues angrily all the time.

· We walked the whole day. Let’s have a rest.

· How many books has she edited so far?

another example of mixed tenses



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